live without fear.
Heart attacks are the most common killer in the U.S.
Strokes are the most common cause of disability.
Heart attacks and strokes kill one of three Americans. That statistic has not changed since the early 1900s. Our “standard of care” isn’t working very well.
Ultrasound-guided Cardio-prevention: that’s CardioSound.
Your arteries tell the story.
Is your prevention program working? Or not?
Most people find out by having an event. Don’t wait for that!
Are you CardioSound?
To determine your risk, we measure your artery disease. Then we identify what’s causing it, and help you reverse it.
See your arteries getting better.
Live without fear.
How much risk do you carry?
The first question is this: How many red flags, or risk factors do you have?
Risk calculators and physical exams are not enough (see CV Disease). The best risk assessment comes not from risk calculators using a few risk factors, but rather from testing your actual arteries.
Are you headed for a heart attack or stroke?
Our role is to help you change the course of your journey.
If your risk is high, and if heart attacks and strokes can be prevented, what are you willing to do to change your story?
The 2nd step is to ask, “Why? What’s causing my risk to be high?”
Once we know the sources of your risk, we can guide you through a process to reverse every risk factor, a process proven to reverse artery disease.
We’ve done this many times. We know all the steps in the process. It may not be easy. You may have to make some hard choices. You may need accountability, or a diet designed for your genetics. You may have to take medications.
We can draw blood almost anywhere in the U.S. We have patients from coast to coast. It’s not uncommon for us to see patients from 6 states in a single day here in Atlanta.
No matter where you live, we can help you reduce your risk by reversing your artery disease.
Some people don’t think artery disease can improve. To see pictures of actual arteries where the plaque disease is being reversed, see our artery testimonials page.
To see someone who’s done it, see our heart attack survivors page.
Once you’ve been through our program, you can rest easy, knowing that you’ve reduced your risk to the max.
No more worries!
Have you had a heart attack? A stroke? Have you had a stent or bypass surgery? Did you have a high calcium score?
Why is your risk so high? You can never know what to do about it until you ask this question: Where is my risk coming from?
That’s why it’s so important to discover the sources of your risk!
Once we know the sources of your risk, we will know what to do about it.
Find out, before it’s too late!
Once you’ve started our program and you see your arteries getting better, you’ll be so glad you did!
You’ll know you came to the right place! And you can live without fear.
Protecting the ones we love. Protecting those who depend on us. Continuing the momentum we've built over time, in our work, and in our relationships.
Protect what matters.
Although we do monitor web traffic and popular content, our website does not collect your personal information. We do not use cookies. Our forms allow you to send us information if you desire. Telephone numbers are optional. We do not call you if you do not want to be called. We will not share your information with third party sites or with any other entity.
Contact us if you have questions about our program.